Featured Websites

Click on an image to check out a website!

Martinesque Website

Martinesque, LLC.

Custom-built responsive, mobile-friendly website using HTML and CSS.

Spartin Global Website

Spartin Global

Custom-built responsive, mobile-friendly website using HTML and CSS.

Featured Apps

Click on an image to try out an app!

Responsive Weather App

Weather App

This weather forecast app is responsive and built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features a search engine utilizing API and Geolocation API functionality to provide a 6-day forecast. Users can enter a city or select the "Current Location" button for temperatures, possible weather conditions, humidiy, and windspeed from a desktop or mobile device.

Dictionary App with React

Dictionary App (React)

This fully responsive dictionary app is built using HTML, CSS, and React and is available for use on a desktop or mobile device. It features a search engine utlizing API functionalities that provides definitions, synonyms, pronounciations, pictures, and examples of words.

Responsive Weather App with React

Weather App (React)

This responsive weather app is built using HTML, CSS, and React and is available for use on a desktop or mobile device. It features a search engine utilizing API functionalities to provides a 5-day forecast with the current time, day of the week, possible weather conditions, humidity, and windspeed for searched cities.